Selasa, 07 Agustus 2018

First meeting at semester 2nd

At the meeting on February 28, 2018, Mr. Zalzulifa introduced himself because before we were taught by Mrs.Rella. we used to call him by Mr.zul's call. Today Mr. Zalzulifa discusses sylabus. Then he explained the class assignment to us. He began to explain toefl while giving examples of books from other majors. Examples of the toefl book that will be made later as a task. Mr.zalzulifa said if we had to be good, that would be published by Mr. Zalzulifa himself. Mr. Zul requested that this task be carried out by a group of two people, it would be the next week's assignment. Zul was asked to send articles about civil engineering in English and his translation to Mr. Zul via email. Because he can't attend next week, he wants to go to Nepal.

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